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Newton Main Street
403 W 4th St N STE 509
Newton, Iowa | Map It
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The mission of Newton Main Street is to preserve the history, invest in the future, and develop pride in our downtown district through community involvement, volunteerism, and private-public partnerships within the Main Street district, the heart of Newton.
Newton, the proud county seat of Jasper County, is a thriving community. Our centrally located, historic downtown defines our character and culture. Downtown Newton is a visually stimulating showplace and a vibrant district with diverse shopping, dining, living, and entertainment.
A cohesive design plan and complementing financial incentives encourage property owners to invest in their buildings and respect a balance between downtown’s historic integrity, modern elements, and improvements. A recently completed downtown streetscape incorporates sustainable practices, honors our community’s history, and enhances downtown as our central gathering place.
Newton Main Street is the hub for communication, community buy-in, local partnerships, and strong local leadership. A clear, implementation-oriented plan continually shows progress and demonstrates success.