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Maharishi Vedic Observatory
Fairfield, Iowa | Map It
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The Maharishi Vedic Observatory, a one and one-half acre open-air observatory of masonry sundials, is unique in the world for its ability to display in one compact form the whole structure of the universe along with all the movements of the sun, the planets and the stars. Research reveals that these ancient observatories existed in every culture at one time. Today, well known fragments of ancient observatories remain at Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru, and other locations in Europe, Central America and Asia. At the Vedic Observatory in Maharishi Vedic City one can view the heavens as the ancients did. Visitors to the observatory will enjoy the experience of the their own inner intelligence and its relationship to the orderly intelligence of the universe as displayed in the planets and stars. The result is increased balance of mind and body. Visitors of all age groups enjoy the Vedic Observatory's partnership of science, art and ancient history.