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Dubuque Main Street

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We are a 501c3 community development agency, located in Dubuque, Iowa, dedicated to the development and ongoing support of downtown as a place to explore, dream, and thrive. Dubuque Main Street (DMS) is celebrated Nationally as the longest-running urban Main Street Program in the country. Dubuque Main Street is one of more than 1,000 community programs which were established in the late 1980’s as a collaborative effort to revitalize the identities of downtown USA. DMS relies on private investments for approximately 75 percent of its budget for nine districts that cover 90 blocks. “Dubuque has merged the concepts of smart cities, downtown revitalization and historic preservation to become perhaps the best small-city example of comprehensive sustainable development in the nation, as well as a Main Street program with unparalled success. Dubuque did get it wrong on one point. Its ambition was to become a national model for a sustainable city. Instead, it has become an international example.” stated the Economic Impact of Main Street Iowa, 1986-2012 report from Place Economics. DMS has become a model urban Main Street program that is often referenced for preservation, innovative commercial projects, and integrating the arts in all development projects. The Main Street Four Point Approach - DESIGN, PROMOTION, ECONOMIC VITALITY, ORGANIZATION
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Located in Driftless Area


No matter the season, Iowa offers endless possibilities. Whether it’s a family getaway, an outdoor adventure, or anything in between, we know a place.