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Cedar Bluffs Natural Area
1235 - 280th
Oskaloosa, Iowa | Map It
Storied & Scenic
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Cedar Bluffs Natural Area is a very unique 225-acre area containing a wide variety of deciduous trees, wildflowers, ferns, and other plant life; made accessible by a carefully laid out loop trail. Lookout points along the 2-mile trail allow hikers an excellent view of the Des Moines River Valley. Towering sandstone bluffs can be found along Cedar Creek, which forms the north boundary of the property. An extensive stairway makes the descent to Cedar Creek easy and safe. Cedar Bluffs is located at 1235 - 280th, Oskaloosa, IA 52577. A parking lot is located in the southwest corner of the property, but other development is minimal; our primary goal is to preserve the natural splendor that has attracted generations of visitors to this extraordinary area.