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Me & Billy
200 W 3RD ST
Davenport, Iowa | Map It
Storied & Scenic
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Our idea is so simple; it's almost too hard to believe - a bar with great food. Me & Billy offers a juxtaposition of equal parts comfort and style. We have chosen each element, from the back bar to the staff, to enhance a welcoming vibe each and every time a customer walks in the door. Me & Billy strives to encompass the timeless values of friendly service and a lively atmosphere. We want to have a good time with our customers and the people we work with! The menu consists of food we like to eat, with a memorable burger serving as the foundation of offerings that appeal to the bar crowd and food connoisseur alike. We have developed a simplified menu, featuring fresh and local ingredients, when possible, in homemade and seasonal offerings. Join us for a different drink special each day of the week - it's our daily celebration. A place where even squares can have a ball!